Service on the Washoe County Board of Equalization (Property tax review panel)

On March 16, 2004, Gary Schmidt was given a commendation by the Washoe County Board of Commissioners for his time and dedication on the 2004 Board of Equalization.

Yet controvery is later encountered when Gary requested that the law be adherred to by all.

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Jan. 17, 2006 (Public Comments by Gary Schmidt) Now, two District Court Judges have vindicated further my service on the BOE and in essence vitiated and indirectly condemned the acts of Weber, Larkin, Humke and Singlaub... (Complete Story)

  May 19, 2005  (RN&R) - YES- Washoe County does have a vendetta against this man. The Washoe County Commission gave itself a black eye with its treatment of Gary Schmidt, a member of the Board of Equalization. (Complete Story)

   May 12, 2005 (RN&R) - Does Washoe County have a vendetta against this man? As the Washoe County Board of Commissioners prepares to meet on May 17 to decide "Possible action, including but not limited to, censure, suspension, removal, or no action of Board of Equalization member Gary Schmidt for malfeasance [unlawful behavior] in office or neglect of duty pursuant to NRS 361.340(7)," the question arises, who'd this guy piss off?  (Complete Story)

    Mar. 25, 2005 (NLTB) - "This whole thing should never have come before the public," said Incline Village resident Dale Akers, who has been an active member of the local tax revolt group. "It's a tempest in a teapot." (Complete Story)

   Mar. 6, 2005 (NLTB) - When Washoe County Commissioner Jim Galloway met Friday afternoon for his monthly meeting with Incline Village residents, his constituents bombarded him with questions about the county's decision to review tax appeal board member Gary Schmidt in a hearing scheduled for Tuesday... (Complete Story)

  Mar. 4, 2005 (NLTB) -  Barta responded to Weber's letter with a letter of his own, calling Schmidt intelligent, meticulous, and honorable. He added that the commissioner's proposed action "would hardly be encouraging for future prospective county board candidates." (Complete Story)

       Mar. 4, 2005 (RGJ) - "I have no vendetta against anyone. I just want to get bad people out of government" [Schmidt said.] District Attorney Richard Gammick said he is offended that Schmidt insisted on Deputy District Attorney Terry Shea being forced to take an oath before answering questions. "That will not happen again...," [But the law says, "NAC 361.630 2. All persons shall testify under oath."] (Complete Story)

Mar. 2, 2005 (RGJ) - The Washoe County Commission has called for a closed-door personnel session with tax appeal board member Gary Schmidt, setting off fears among Incline Village residents that he may be singled out for helping them... (Complete Story)

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